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Cimbria Complete

Cimbria Complete™

Our process is designed with our customers at the core. From vision to reality and beyond, our team stays connected with yours.

About Cimbria


Cimbria is one of the world’s leading companies within industrial processing, handling and storage of grain and seed, as well as animal feed, foodstuffs and other bulk products.

Seed Processing

Cleaning, Grading, Sorting and Treating

Remove impurities and support growth for higher value.


Cimbria develops and manufactures an entire range of seed processing equipment and solutions for all types of cleaning, grading, sorting and treatment. It is a product range which is capable of working under all kinds of climatic conditions anywhere in the world.

Processing Product Lineup

Cimbria has the right equipment for your operation. Efficiently process a variety of grains, cereals, oilseeds, grass seeds, rice, legumes, garden and commercial seeds.

Precision seed and grain screen sorting system with consistent feed control across the screens

Delta Screen Cleaner

For pre-cleaning, fine cleaning and grading with guaranteed uniform feeding
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Separating same size kernel and granular products based on weight

Gravity Separator

Excellent separation of kernels and granular products based on weight difference.
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The indented cylinder separator is used for grading by length of all granular materials

Indented Cylinder Separator

Length grading of all granular materials like wheat, oat, maize, rice, fine seeds, lentils, sunflower sticks or sugar beet, plastic particles, etc., as well as for the extraction of unwanted short or long admixtures
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Cylindrical Graders accurately sort and grade seeds, cereals, and various granular products by by looking at width and thickness

Cylindrical Grader

Cylindrical Graders are used to precisely sort and grade seeds, cereals, and other granular products based on their width and thickness
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Cimbria Destoner for separating dry granular material following specific weight


Used for separating dry granular material according to specific weight into two fractions
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Durable grain and maize separator, offered in three different sizes with capacities ranging from 75 to 150 tonnes per hour

Rotoclean Scalperator

Robust separator for grain and maize. Available in three sizes with capacities from 75 to 150t/h
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Maize Sheller

Gentle maize kernel separation by rubbing maize cobs with other maize cobs, preserving the germination capacity
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The drum scalper removes large impurities from grain, maize, and oilseed with heavy-duty coarse cleaning

Drum Scalper

Heavy-duty coarse cleaning of grain and maize and various other products like oilseed
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Cimbria centricoater applies a protective coating to seed which enhances their value and promotes improved growth


Uniform coating for value-added protection and increased growth ability of various seed
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Efficiently applying protective chemicals to a variety of seeds using a patented atomizing nozzle ensures consistent coverage and enhances seed safety

Continuous Coater

Capacity and uniform application of protective chemicals for various seed, with a patented atomizing nozzle
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The Cimbria Jog Conveyor is specifically engineered for the delicate drying of coated seeds over short distances

Jog Conveyor Dryer

The Cimbria Jog Conveyor is a specialized type of conveyor designed for short-distance gentle drying of coated seeds
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Cimbria Brush Machine is used for cereal grains and other seeds, including grass seeds, clover, separating double grasses, and removing tails germ end of oats

Brush Machine

Cimbria brush machine is used for grass seed, clover, separating double grasses and removing tails from the germ end of oats
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Separate sorrel seed from the trefoil plants seeds like alfalfa and clover. It also removes weeds from other seeds

Velvet Roller

Separate sorrel seed from the trefoil plants seeds such as clover and alfalfa
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Improving the appearance and bushel weight of barley by removing awns and dispersing seed clusters improving the quality


De-awning of barley and breaking up clusters of seed to improve appearance and increase bushel weight for improved quality
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Belt Sorter

Separate round kernels from flat or long.
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Can be used both as a pre-cleaner and after-cleaner to reduce dust emissions


The aspirator is used both in pre-cleaning and after-cleaning to reduce dust in storage and during cleaning and drying
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Add value from the coffee plant to the roasted bean with a Cimbria Green Coffee Processing Plant

Green Coffee Processing Machines

The Cimbria Green Coffee Processing Plant adds value to the roasted bean and optimize profits
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Automatic Sampler Taker for Quality Control of Processing Plants

Automatic Sampler Taker

Ensures quality control by collecting seed samples from your processing plants.
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Saatbau Linz

Flagship maize seed turnkey plant in Geinberg, Austria

Saatbau Linz is a complete maize seed plant representing a flagship of Cimbria’s capability to deliver complete maize turnkey solutions, with highly advanced automated and state-of-the-art maize processing equipment.

This modern and top-of-the-line plant was designed, built and installed by Cimbria in Geinberg, Austria. The design of this processing plant ensures complete seed traceability, from the collection throughout the entire processing plant, resulting in the bagging of top-quality maize seed, and the plant has enabled our customer to grow their market share in the European market.