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Cimbria Complete

Cimbria Complete™

Our process is designed with our customers at the core. From vision to reality and beyond, our team stays connected with yours.

About Cimbria


Cimbria is one of the world’s leading companies within industrial processing, handling and storage of grain and seed, as well as animal feed, foodstuffs and other bulk products.

Compact Container Processing Plants

Compact Processing Plants

The First Plug and Play Plant in a Container


Fully pre-assembled for shipment around the globe

Advantages of the System

COMPACT. A fully equipped plant, pre-assembled in two tailor-made 40' tall containers.

PRE-ASSEMBLED. Only three days of installation time, guided by an on-site Cimbria supervisor.

PRE-TESTED. Plant performance is tested directly with your products before shipping.

LEASE-READY. Fulfills all the requirements for leasing so you can start the plant and maintain financial flexibility.

Compact Seed Plant

Up to 5 tons/hour wheat input

Compact Coffee Plant

Up to 2 tons/hour coffee input

Compact Maize Plant

Up to 2 - 3 tons/hour maize input

Compact Food Plant

Up to 4 ton/hour legumes input

The first Plug & Play Processing Plant

Compact Processing Plant

Timelapse of Compact Container Processing Plant Installation

Minimize Risk. Maximize Return.

Expand into new markets and minimize building costs.

Ready to operate in a few days thanks to our fully pre-assembled and tested solution.

Suitable for a wide variety of products, including grain, seed, maize, coffee and pulses.

Cimbria can tailor the plant to meet your unique needs.

The plant is totally pre-wired with only a few connections to be completed on-site.

Cimbria's technical team is with you every step of the way - from on-site training to remote support for the life of your plant.

Minimum downtime for maintenance operations. Spare parts package and user manuals are included.

Central vacuum system included for easy cleaning of the entire plant and genuine handling of seed.

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Intake Systems

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Belt Conveyors

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The indented cylinder separator is used for grading by length of all granular materials

Indented Cylinder Separator

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Separating same size kernel and granular products based on weight

Gravity Separator

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Cimbria SEA.CX Optical Sorting technology


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Continuous Coater

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Cimbria Cycloforce fans effectively separates dust and promotes efficient equipment and high performance.

Superior drying efficiency

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Los ventiladores Cycloforce de Cimbria separan eficazmente el polvo e impulsan la eficiencia en equipos de alto rendimiento.

Eficiencia de secado superior

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At Cimbria, we design, develop, manufacture and install custom-built solutions, from complete processing lines to large turnkey projects with highly advanced automation and management information systems.

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